Serves 3 | Prep Time: 10 Mins | Cook Time: 20 Mins
1 lb chicken wings, drummettes and wingettes
Ground black pepper
1/2 cup potato starch
Oil, for deep-frying
White sesame, for garnishing
2-3 tablespoons Korean gojuchang red pepper paste
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon hot water
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1.Season the chicken with some salt and black pepper, then coat well with the potato starch. Set aside.
2.Combine all the ingredients for Dressing together, stir to mix well.
3.Heat up a Dutch oven, deep skillet or pan with 3 inches of oil. Heat the oil to 375F. Coat the wings again and shake off the excess potato starch. Drop the wings gently into the oil and deep-fry until light brown or when they are cooked and become crispy. Remove the wings from the oil and drained on paper towels. Combine the Dressing and the wings, toss to coat well. Garnish with the sesame and serve immediately.


1 biji bawang merah besar (potong bulat/dadu)
1 biji lobak merah (potong dadu)
2 biji kentang (potong dadu)
1 cili merah besar (hiris) p/s: sebagai hiasan atas mee
3/4 ketul dada ayam (potong dadu)
1 sudu cili kering kisar
2 sudu kicap pekat jalen
1 sudu tepung jagung

p/s : garam, gula and perasa jangan lupa letak ye. karang tawar pior. HAHA


1. panaskan kuali dan tumis bawang merah hingga naik bau
2. lalu masukkan ayam sehingga suam2 masak dan masukkan kentang dan lobak
3.apabila kentang dan lobak sudah sedikit layu. masukkan cili kisar dan kicap pekat jalen.
4. kacau hingga sebati. kalau rasa pekat boleh tambah air. 
5. time ni boleh la dah masukkan garam, perisa dan gula.
5. bila dah sebati barulah masukkan air tepung jagung. (kene masuk akhir then terus tutup api)

6. Dah siap untuk dihidangkan. 

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